qilinwdi 发表于 2013-3-23 23:01   全显示 1楼
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[情色三级] [法国/三级]三个不道德的女人(完整版)[中文字幕][WMV/1.07GB]

【影片片名】:三个不道德的女人(完整版) [中文字幕]

  【英文片名】:Heroines of Evil. / Three Immoral Women

  【影片别名】:三荡女 /Heroines du mal, Les (1979)

  【平均评价】:★★★★★★☆→ 6.3 颗星.

  【影片大小】:1.07 GB


  【影片格式】: WMV  【D9→转制WMV】

  【视频尺寸】:1020X572. [清晰片]

  【影片尺度】:三级  [多国18禁]

  【影片演员】:Marina Pierro, Gaelle Legrand, Pascale Christophe, Francois Guetary, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Jean Martinelli. Pierre Benedetti. Philippe Desboeuf. Noel Simsolo. Roger Lefrere. Gerard Falconetti. Hassane Fall. France Rumilly. Yves Gourvil.


  【语种发音】:法语发音, 中文字幕 .

  【影片内容】:成人.剧情.不沦.情色.自慰.外露.强奸.三点全露. 等.

  【影片片商】:une selection ARGOS FILMS.

  【内容附注】:片内不含任何碍眼浮水印. (片内不加入自己ID).







  Walerian Borowczyk的文集,他的不道德的故事的後续功能在不同的时间段设置的三个故事。在文艺复兴时期的意大利,玛格丽特(惊人Borowczyk定期滨海Pierro)贝克的女儿使用以盈利为目的,同时梵蒂冈艺术家Raffaelo(弗朗索瓦Guetary)和怪诞的银行家Bini有淫情。这第一个故事是最长的,当然是最好的。另外两个比较苍白。法国的Belle Epoque,Marcelline(Gaelle罗格朗)家长不满她与她的宠物兔子的关系过於紧密,并计划为她特别的晚餐 。最後(当然至少),在现代巴黎的玛丽(帕斯卡尔克里斯托夫)被绑架,勒索和她的丈夫举行宁愿投资金钱在昂贵的绘画 。幸运的是,玛丽的风情宠物杜宾是香味。 虽然在最终的故事像一个一次性位看来,前两个建立Borowczyk的立场,它是不是女性的性行为,是不道德的,而它是如何性别是使用达到一定的两端(玛格丽特Marcelline报仇)的钱 。


  Les Heroines du Mal (Heroines of Evil) is the original title of this film by Walerian Borowczyk. The film occupies that grey-zone between Arthouse and Softporn. Its theme is of wronged women seeking revenge. However audiences will invariably fixate on Borowczyk's fascination with bestiality. There are three separate stories, lasting roughly 40 minutes each. The first is titled Margherita and is set in Renaissance Rome. Poor baker's daughter, Margherita, uses her beauty to bed and kill the rich and powerful men who lust after her. The second, titled Marceline, is about a young girl who enjoys sexual romps with her pet rabbit. When her repressive and somewhat nutty parents have the rabbit killed and cooked for dinner, she goes berserk, gets the local black butcher to deflower her in the slaughterhouse and then returns home to slice her parents' throats. The third story titled Marie is about a young woman who is kidnapped, held for ransom and raped by her captor while her ineffectual husband bumbles around. She is saved by her heroic pet dog who gives her useless husband a bite in the balls for good measure before claiming his reward from the grateful victim.

  Needless to say if bestiality offends you, stay away. Personally I didn't find it offensive. However I did find it boring - I actually nodded off halfway through and that is a bad sign for any film. I watched it again on a separate occasion to give it the benefit of the doubt before coming to any conclusion. Parts of it were erotic and production values were generally high. Photography especially was very good. Everything is in soft-focus and filmed under soft lighting. The women are lovely and they are beautifully attired - or not, as the case may be. The film relies on a refreshing Renaissance-style music score, giving it a certain touch of class. However it just didn't come together. The high-art style of erotica, the beautiful photography and the deliberate silliness and implausibility in the screenwriting and plot didn't mesh. The post-production dubbing with poor lip-synching (even in the original French track) didn't help. Well, at least for me. Some viewers might very well enjoy it - as several reviews here attest. It might very well fascinate Americans unfamiliar with the topic and who find the very idea jaw-dropping and ground-breaking.

  The sex is not explicit. Neither is there much of it. But it is well done and pretty to look at. The film would garner an NC-17 solely due to the implied bestiality - the closest it actually gets to the real stuff is the little bunny rabbit nibbling on Marceline's luxuriant bush while she writhes in pleasure (a rather cute scene, beautifully photographed) - the dog's high point is biting the husband's balls; we never get to see it having its way with the wife.

  Severin of course doesn't disappoint with its lovely and quite flawless transfer of this 1979 film. Colours are mostly pastel-hued but always true and pleasing to the eye. Black level is perfect. The film is presented in its original 1.66:1 aspect ratio, pillarboxed into an anamorphic frame (enhanced for widescreen TV). The original French 2.0 Mono track is provided, along with an alternate English 2.0 Mono dub. The sound has good presence and dialogue is clear throughout. Optional English subtitles are also provided. The only Extras are the original theatrical trailer and a biography of Walerian Borowczyk.


 下载方法: (请你点击右上角的“跳过广告”即可直接下载) 

[ 本帖最后由 qilinwdi 于 2013-4-20 17:07 编辑 ]
  • abbamm 金币 +10 转帖分享,红包献上! 2013-3-26 12:03
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