【影片名稱】:热带雨夜Tropical Nights (1988)
【剧情简介】:(机译)The beauty of the islands, the scent of sun-tan oil, the breeze of the morning surf, or the hint of a rainbow as the sun breaks through the mist contain elements of the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man - Sex. It doesn't hurt also to have Ginger and her island bunnies hopping atop rigid pole after pole of pure pleasure in paradise....岛屿之美,太阳晒得油的香味,早上冲浪的微风,或彩虹通过最强有力的催情人类已知的雾遏制元素太阳休息的提示 - 性。它不会伤害有这么生姜和她的小兔子纯粹的快乐的天堂极后跳顶上冰岛刚性杆....